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Which companies are on your radar? Of course, many companies are doing very well at the moment, but there are also some that have lost a lot of ground in the last 12 months.
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@KevinC New Work is of course still on the radar, the sale is more due to the opportunity than the company's development (10% in one week).

Otherwise, we recently took a look at Berentzen and may consider Steico; in general, we currently find cyclicals exciting, as we are practically in a recession. We are also keeping an eye on Japanese stocks, where the currency devaluation means there are some exciting shares.
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@fiducation I think it's exciting, I'm not very familiar with Japan in particular. Please keep us up to date.

Berentzen HV used to be fun, friends of mine used to cycle there... - there was still a free choice of drinks back then. They have stopped - for reasons.