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It remains to be seen how they will perform against Palo Alto and Fortinet and what, if any, late effects will have to be priced in. All three are on the watch list and a sector in which I have not yet invested.
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@Dividendenopi You can get into Fortinet at almost any time. They are constantly being beaten even though their key figures are twice as good as the others. Otherwise, like you, they are on my watchlist. I actually want to get in, but the ETFs are bad and the companies all have enormous difficulties. Dilution, default risk and also this contradiction that everyone needs them but nobody wants to pay
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@topicswithhead It's like toilet paper: everyone needs it, but you want to throw huge sums of money at it nicht🤷🏼‍♂️😂.
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@Dividendenopi SentinelOne is probably also currently benefiting from the incident through Crwd customers willing to switch.

Do you not see CRWD's P/E ratio of more than 380 as a problem?
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@equity_expert_217 also why Watchlist. Scary at first glance, right. It remains to be seen whether the growth and profit prospects will be fulfilled at the appropriate levels after the incident. However, the high free cash flow also deserves attention. I was not aware of Sentinelone, at first glance not a case for watchlist or more at the moment
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@equity_expert_217 Sentinle one is interesting, I've started following them since the crash and have already added them to my watchlist. They have an interesting valuation if they manage the growth.
The P/E ratio of Crowdstrike depends on how you grow. Profits are now growing almost 1:1 with sales, so it still looks quite high. The P/E ratio is expected to be 40 by 2027, which we will have to wait and see