
$JUN3 (+3,25%) Today #dividende get paid out. Small livestock also makes manure and from many small piles of manure eventually becomes a large.... 😉

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You're still in the church! Strictly religious, or why do you push the coal into the throat of the church?
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Not to forget that your money is used with preference to cover up child abuse and to enable some bishops to live a life of luxury.... I laugh myself to death.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bPbkJcuucFc&pp=ygUnS2lyY2hlIHZlcnR1c2NodW5nIGJheWVyaXNjaGVyIHJ1bmRmdW5r Look at these two parts of this documentary. Then take a look at how the church judges and co express themselves. It is disgusting.
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It's amazing how many ETF's you have, why?
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