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You have to keep in mind, of course, that you can potentially do risky stuff when releasing the wallet, if you don't check the code beforehand. In this respect, one trusts uniswap's name / good reputation. For interest's sake, I'll see later if I can calculate the approximate costs when going via Binance.
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@Europoor very correct. think the fees on Binance can be determined quite well. The network fees paid by me can be easily viewed via the linked address on etherscan.
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@DonkeyInvestor So now for the sake of simplicity, I just looked at how the withdrawls at ETH are currently. There would be 0.0012 ETH fee due as ERC20 as well as minimum Withdrawl 0.0098 ETH so you could not have paid out the possibly at Binance. About Optimism, the minimum amount would be 0.001 ETH, but I ratherlichgesagt not know what disadvantages that may have.