
$DRO (-9,13%) My trailing stop loss order took effect yesterday. I was on the road and busy the last two days and would not have had the opportunity to realize my profits promptly. I had set myself a target of taking 1k profit on the small investment and therefore let my stop loss grow dynamically, which is possible with the $ING (+1,09%) is possible. I had also invested at the end of last year, before the recent hype started. Set yourself clear goals, that makes investing easier.

And as you can see from the info from @Der_Dividenden_Monteur this is a potential dilution of the share (doesn't mean that it won't go up again, of course). I wouldn't have noticed the information, but I was able to find out without much effort through this community here and in particular @Der_Dividenden_Monteur by simply opening the app, read it as the top post in my timeline and directly on the IR page of $DRO (-9,13%) page. Even if the order at ING had already taken effect, I would have sold by then at the latest.

But I find #getquin and this community and therefore all of you who post here regularly are great!

Thanks for that, keep up the good work and don't let all the moaners and grumblers demotivate you.

Everyone should (be allowed to) form their own opinion and that's why it's also great that some $DRO (-9,13%) buy more, others sell 50%, others sell everything and some just hold on. Treat others with respect and as you would like to be treated yourself. If in doubt, swallow your emotions for a moment, distract yourself before you post emotionally. On the other side is a person who could be hurt by this.

Of course, I don't have a crystal ball, so I may buy again or just leave it completely. I'll leave the speculation to others :-).


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Vendido x1000 em € 1,384
€ 1.384,00
7 Comentários

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I think things will get more interesting again tomorrow when the panic selling is over. Also in Australia
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@Marco-VI I agree. The big ones are just trying to push the little ones out.
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I was not aware that a dynamic stop-loss is possible with Ing. It's probably because I'm still trading stocks, only etfs. Thanks for mentioning it here. When I start with it soon, I'll use it directly
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I have stop loss orders and trailing stop loss orders active for the majority of my portfolio, mostly at the limit so that I go out with a minimum profit (tax/costs included) and don't make a loss, but also if I have set myself a personal goal that I want to achieve. That way I don't have to look at the portfolio as much.
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And now in
to stay on the subject of
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$DRO was more of a gamble with potential, as there weren't that many players in the market (that I had found). In my analysis at the time, the company was in a good position and had potential, the market value now is completely exaggerated. $AVAV I'll take a look, thanks. It always takes me a while to get a feel for whether I should buy or leave it.
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Feel free to keep me up to date.
This is also about land robots etc.
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