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How long do you want to save for? Just read: This thing is running much worse than $VHYLYou won't be doing yourself any favors.
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@Fabzy in Germany never 80%, always 100%, if you do not get the maximum return out you are nothing, why can not you let the people their way of life? I do not want to attack you with it but everyone has other conditions, other backgrounds, etc. or the sense of security. That individual (selected) shares run better is obvious, whether you should compare them is up to the respective Rechtthaben
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@Ohne-lowe-Binde Oh, come on. He can do whatever he wants. This includes reading the article or not. This includes ignoring what others tell him or not. Someone invests with 132 positions 10000€ in an ETF that massively underperforms other benchmark indices in every conceivable period. A strategy is not recognizable, because next to this ETF cryptos and any warrants with 80-99% loss are in the portfolio. A note that it is urgently necessary to see the matter from another angle is more than overdue here. We are still in a social network and the colleague has certainly posted this to tell others and demand reactions.
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@Fabzy the problem with the yield hunters is that they always compare the best-running shares at the moment with those they don't like. and if that doesn't fit, they tell you to zoom out once on the chart. at the same time, all the yield hunters bought at the lowest point and sold at the highest point, so that they naturally got the maximum yield out of it. who doesn't know this on the internet? people with dividends are more honest to me ❤️, even if they are supposedly worse off.
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@Ohne-lowe-Binde but now I have to ask you seriously if you are telling us this under the right comment. maybe you read my comment, but probably didn't understand it. It doesn't say: "A dividend strategy won't get the maximum for you", but "Take a look at my rationally based view of things". I agree with you that we sometimes advise people here too sweepingly against sector ETFs, or propagate the FTSE AllWorld as the ideal solution, but ultimately this remains one opinion of many, which is certainly not the maximum return in the foreground and the final decision remains with the contributor. We are not an official advice center here. You draw here an exaggerated investor image and apply it in my opinion wrong to the community here. And what the whole has to do with and without dividends I also do not understand.