You could still show cash in your asset allocation in the portfolio or? as a position 1. note on your GTAA: have you sold Nasdaq part? thought that had previously 50% or was that gold? 2. you do not make an equal weighting among the assets, according to what principles comes your asset allocation among your top assets? 3. in my test GTAA I have in June roughly -0.7%. 50:50 Nasdaq and Gold as assets. does BTC make that much of a difference to you and the imbalance of the other 2 assets that you were able to achieve 2.8% instead of my 0.7?
@theflyingsquirrel I had already tried to enter Cash once. But as I said, getquin does not get along so well with the display and manual entry. I have given up. to 1. QQQ I had in May times partially sold. I wanted to use the cash for a cheaper re-entry. Unfortunately it did not work out. Now it lies there and admonishes me to implement the system consistently. Maybe I need it in July, when the prices come back a little? to 2. The weighting should actually be 50-50 and if BTC has a buy signal, then 40-40-20. If you add the cash QQQ, then it comes approximately. I tolerate small deviations of 2-3%. The arithmetic to get the target allocation every month, I have already tried. It's not worth it, because most of the time 3 days later everything is shifted again anyway. to 3. your observation is correct. The 20% BTC have lifted the portfolio into the plus. In addition, I have taken a EUR hedged gold ETF, which has lost less due to fallen USD.
@Epi ah okay if it's because of the posting, I understand that you don't put cash in. You could say I'm a little glad that it backfired on both you and Felix to deviate from the strategy in the last month. All the backtesting, strategy building, etc. only brings something if you consistently stick to the strategy. Now you are both in the depot construction and the loss by the deviation is not yet so bad. Or? BTC was on place 3 or? therefore it remains? With the deviations I think you are absolutely right, permanent rebalancing costs only time and order fees. why euro hedge? have read on signal your news and it came out that it does not matter whether you take with or without hedge, right?
@theflyingsquirrel Exactly, because I know my psychological weaknesses somewhat, I build the GTAA strategy step by step. The experience with the deviation is built in, so to speak, and makes little difference yet performance-wise. Gold Eurohedge because I had suspected a weaker USD given the interest rate policies. In addition, my favorite XetraGold cannot be traded at TR. Also in general the hedged ETC makes more sense to me because of the inverse correlation between gold and USD. In the backtest on 10 years it didn't matter, so I decide for the "more logical" one.
@Epi Ah then it makes sense to do that step by step as well. With the hedge is that related to the current market situation or do you plan to take the Euro hedge long term? XetraGold should be available on Scalable, so I can use that.
@Epi Ah then it makes sense to do that step by step as well. With the hedge is that related to the current market situation or do you plan to take the Euro hedge long term? XetraGold should be available on Scalable, so I can use that.
isn't the USD a refuge currency in bad times (it was the same in 2022) and gold an ace of flight in bad economic phases (when the world economy goes bust, everyone goes into gold). Therefore, I would intuitively think that gold and USD would be rather synergistic and gold and EUR rather inverse?
@theflyingsquirrel Yes, the USD is a safe-haven currency. But where does the willing investor go when the USD weakens? The other way around: When the USD weakens, it is against other currencies for which gold becomes cheaper. For example, the Indians and Chinese buy a lot of gold when the USD is weak.
•@Epi could it make sense to take XetraGold and Gold Daily Hedged both in and if gold is top asset take the one of the two with the stronger momentum?
@theflyingsquirrel Sounds reasonable. Could be done the same way with other assets.