
Hey everyone! I’m 22 and just started getting into investing recently, so I’m still figuring things out. I had some cash just sitting in my bank account, and I realized that was a dumb move—I should’ve started investing sooner. So, I took a bit of that money and bought some stocks, ETFs, and crypto. I’d love to get some tips, feedback on my portfolio, or any suggestions for good stocks to buy. Also, if you could share any advice on making money from dividends and reinvesting, that’d be awesome. Right now, I’m thinking about an ETF I own $SPY5 (-1,33%) —people have suggested I sell it and switch to something else. I’m considering selling it and buying $VUSA (-1,34%) instead. What do you all think? Thanks!

€ 1.823,89
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Well, I would like to hear why you would think that Vusa is better than spy5? Anyways portfolio looks great
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Basically, I was told it’s more consistent and has better performance. Plus, it’s higher in value, so I could invest in other options too. But I’m thinking about holding on to it. Do you think that’s a good idea?
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@D_M00 So not so long ago i actually switched from vusa to spy5 as it has lowest TER out there and its very attractive for long term investment. Really recently the volume has doubled in very short amount of time. Anyway they both trach index sp500 as close as possible so you cannot go wrong with either of them. In terms of outperfoming between them - the percentage is negligible. You can check out smartmoneywithkai on yt as he explains well about this exact topic.
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@teoo SP500 is just another SP500 ETF. I went for SPY5, because it has the lowest fees. And it's a big fund.
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Ok so...SPY5 has the lowest expense ratio being lower than VUSA. Also you invest directly in USD and since SPY5 is S&P500 it uses USD at base so you will not have to take into account like for VUSA the foreign currency risk EUR to USD, USD to EUR. Anyway both are following the same S&P500.

If you want to consider something else then S&P500 (meaning existing SPY5) which gives you full exposure to the US market only, you can consider VWCE which is world it contains 61% S&P500 and the rest it's developed markets/emerging a little bit more diversified but the return is not as per the S&P500 because it tends to play safe. Me I invested first in VUSA, a long time ago so I keep DCA (EUR) each month, it is too late for me to change now, and i have a 90/10 portfolio( $VUSA / $IBTS ) which gives me safety in case S&P will underperform so I sit in between S&P and VWCW when it comes to returns.

The rest you can hold crypto also, why not, gives you exposure to speculative instruments, Hope it helps you.
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@thor88 thanks, it helps a lot!!!
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