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I personally think that arm already has potential. However, the price jump looks a bit absurd to me. Do you know the reason? I thought about jumping on when they came onto the market. Decided against it at the time because I didn't want to add any more weight to Tech. The price jump looks dangerous. But the stock market doesn't behave rationally. So from my point of view, it could go in any direction. But I'm just a layman with a subjective opinion.
@SchlaubiSchlumpf Quarterly figures and AI hype
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf Yesterday, figures came out that were slightly above expectations.
But the jump still doesn't make any rational sense to me. +10% or +15% okay; but almost 80%??
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf ai and semiconductor hype, considering what NVIDIA did ..
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@Wettyx91 yes but why now? It should have been foreseeable that semiconductors do a leap. But hype is so unreasonable. I even considered selling a part of my TSMC stocks now. But I don’t really want to. I think I will try to act like the hype didn’t exist