

what do you say to this company $EVK (+5,1%) ?

wanted to buy me, but somehow it knows almost only one way, and that is down:(

15 Comentários

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.... and why do you want to buy it ?
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I am invested in it and hold it. Chemistry is having a hard time at the moment, but it'll get better.
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@Smudeo Hope is an essential characteristic that distinguishes us humans from animals 😉.
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@Smudeo I also see it that way, but at the moment it really doesn't look nice in the depot ...
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Evtl. $EQNR, is the largest oil and gas company in Europe from Norway . Figures dividend and have very good results . can you look at times
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@Momo1401 leading in wind power to mention
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@Momo1401 cool thanks, I did not know ...
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@MichaelSB82 no problem 🔥
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Hey Evonik is in the process of selling large parts of their individual divisions, because they want to focus in the future only on specialty chemicals. In addition, the order situation in the chemical industry is currently miserable, many companies shut down individual plants for several weeks. I would advise you not to invest in this company. If you absolutely want to invest in the chemical industry, I would currently tend to an oil company. Lg Maurice
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@Momo1401 would have ideas / suggestions which ?
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What was that mantra about the past telling you nothing about the future?
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@BearStearnsCFO I know that! Only I have read the mantra here so many times. 🤷
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@Epi najut, 100% it says nothing, but if it goes steadily down, over a long period of time ... it is unlikely that it now suddenly goes up ... at least the probability is not very large
The problem with Evonik is that there is a large anchor shareholder. The free float is quite low
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