
Volkswagen: Focus on dividends and salaries

The discussion about the dividend at Volkswagen $VOW (+1%) is becoming more heated. During the current labor disputes, employees are demanding that shareholders, such as major shareholder Wolfgang Porsche, also bear part of the burden. An agreement is now emerging that will mean less dividends for shareholders - but only a small step.

Interestingly, the board members are also waiving part of their salaries in order to take the pressure off the employees. These measures are part of a larger negotiation process that focuses on both the financial stability of the company and employee satisfaction.

How do you feel about these compromises? Is it fair that shareholders and board members also have to make sacrifices in difficult times? 🤔

11 Commenti

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VW is currently delaying insolvency. That can't end well.
@PalmPirateTechnocrate A very qualified assertion!
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@Korrekturensohn What's wrong with that?
@PalmPirateTechnocrate e.g. that VW would be insolvent, which is already a prerequisite for insolvency.
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Of course. As a shareholder, you are also a co-entrepreneur. This means you can also forego dividends in bad times. However, of course, a plan must also be presented for the waiver as to how the company intends to restructure itself.
But I don't see that happening with VW. I wouldn't put it past the Porsche owners to forgo the dividend. However, the state of Lower Saxony will never be willing or able to do without it. They are planning the dividend in the budget and will milk VW until the cow keels over.
The current market environment and the company's situation make a dividend cut seem sensible. In general, however, I always have a problem with doing something like this just to give in to some crybabies.
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Is this news from 23 days ago or really 23 hours ago? The dividend will not be changed, as the employee bonuses are also linked to precisely these dividends. It has already been announced here that it will again be giving away a large slice of the cake. So why should the investor get less? We are also in the area of bread and circuses. The employee side has not won, the investors have. The China policy is being pushed further, i.e. they are thinking about relocating production intended for Europe to China - many contracts have been kept open here which European suppliers have already considered to be set. The USA is still a black spot at the moment, but VW has already announced that it wants to negotiate with Trump itself. This will therefore also cost German employees something. Suppliers will continue to fall by the wayside (this is the mainstay of the SME sector) and then Germany as a business location will continue to suffer. As an investor, a China strategy is to be preferred, the US business has so far only been a loss-making business which is cross-subsidized with sales from Europe, but above all from Germany.
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@Reinecke The news refers to the announcement below from 3 days ago. It is also news to me that the dividend is to remain unchanged. I have just looked again and the forecasts are still lower than the €9 from last year. https://www.manager-magazin.de/unternehmen/autoindustrie/volkswagen-arbeitskampf-ceo-und-vorstand-verzichten-auf-millionen-euro-gehalt-a-3ffbf79a-6a9e-454e-b421-7dffc0b64eab
6.2 euros divi will probably be paid - would be fine for me and should all be priced into the share price. My target up to the divi 124 euros
@Sand own estimate with the € 6.20 or is there a source for this?
@Solitair The payout ratio stated here is 28%:

"The negotiations were characterized by hardened fronts. The employee representatives under Cavallo had loudly demanded shareholder participation and did not want to give in. Nevertheless, there were signs of a compromise solution: The payout ratio is likely to remain at around 28 percent. This means that shareholders would receive less than the envisaged 30 percent, but would continue to receive large sums of money. The Porsche family would have to forgo a mid-double-digit million amount."

That would be around €6.2 in dividends. Decent, if it turns out that way.

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