
$XEON (+0,01%)

The ETF is particularly useful for those who are not with TR. The TER is quite favorable at 0.1%, and the interest rates are also reflected accurately in the market. So if you want to stay with your house bank with low current interest rates, you can take a closer look at this ETF.

17 Commenti

Great post! I also have this ETF and I love it
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I also think the EF makes sense in principle. However, the disadvantage is that in some cases it can take quite a long time for the money to actually end up in your current account after the shares have been sold.
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@DerMartin What do you mean? When I sell, the money is in my account.
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@Aktien4Million jop on the clearing account. but it usually takes 1-3 days until you can pay it out, at least with TR /Scalable
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@WarrenamBuffet The ETF makes no sense for people with TR. You can just leave the money in your account. That's the case with Scalable. At Comdirect, for example, you can transfer the money immediately to your current account.
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@Aktien4Million At TR you currently have 3.25% p.a., so the incremental benefit of the XEON is marginal.
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@DerMartin I say yes. As I said, the ETF is worthwhile for Scalable Free users and house bank custody account customers
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@Dominik_76 depends on whether you have already exhausted your FSA. Otherwise you will have to pay KeSt on the interest from TR. With Xeon, you can defer the tax by retaining it and get comparatively more out of it.
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@Psychedelic_Sunflower Good objection
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I am with TR and still have $XEON. For two reasons: because I don't pay capital gains tax on the TR interest, or it is deferred and only becomes due when I sell it (in about 10 years' time, when I use it to pay off the remaining debt on my apartment).
Secondly, because if the worst comes to the worst, the ETF units are special assets.
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@Psychedelic_Sunflower The risk in this case would be that interest rates would soon be negative again, although this is fairly unlikely.

However, your reasoning makes sense, but I am now also considering investing my cash reserves in the ETF
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@Aktien4Million Negative interest rates don't happen overnight. As soon as the prime rate falls below that of my property loan, shares will of course be sold and unscheduled repayments made. Until then, the money should be happy to work.
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Has anyone looked into $CSH2 compared to $XEON? Should bring a little bit more return.
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@randomdude The 0.05% does not make the roast fat either
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@randomdude It is somewhat more volatile and has a slightly higher return for the same term. I think I once read in a comparison that it has a slightly higher default risk. I'd have to look up the article. In any case, two out of three money market funds were preferred.
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@Dominik_76 That sounds logical and fits in with my observations.
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