
Hello everyone,

a question for the people who are familiar with crypto brokers.

I used to have Coinbase and then Binance and now Bitpanda. With Bitpanda I'm confused by the fact that I can't see what fees I'm paying. With Binance, the app was too confusing for me and with Coinbase I can't see my purchase price. Which of the three do you use and which would you recommend?

$BNB (+1,27%)

$COIN (+2,7%)

$BEST (-8,56%)

22 Commenti

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Huh? Binance confusing? Yes, you have to put in a little time 😂😂😂😂 but you're switching from the best exchange to the crappiest... you have to come up with that first ... and 15x higher fees.... So you should rethink that as soon as possible.
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@Testo-Investor I also don't understand how people always come up with the arguments "safer" or more trustworthy than Binance.

Guys, for ON/OFF ramp Binance is by far cheaper than Coinbase, Bitpanda and Co.
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@Danibanani above all, where do people want to know which exchange is safer than the other just because the shitty exchange is in Germany that's why I would be scared, because the Germans are usually far behind other countries in security issues and especially in the crypto area I would be very careful...
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I am from The Netherlands and Binance is blocked in this region. I loved it, sadly cannot use it anymore. Had to transfer everything to my Bitvavo account.

Currently lots of altcoins still in my binance portfolio. I can only transfer those to Bitvavo when these are traded here.
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@PicturePerfect buy a wallet and send it to your wallet not to another Broker....
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@Testo-Investor wait what? I have something to learn I guess.
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@PicturePerfect a lot :D you should buy a hardware wallet... and secure your cryptos .... for example.... https://tangem.com/en
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@Testo-Investor thanks my man! Only thing is that I cannot stake my dogecoin etc?
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@PicturePerfect stacking will be the next feature …. Check the newest software update
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@Testo-Investor it even has a card 🥵 wow
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None of the three, but Binance is certainly the cheapest way to acquire coins.
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I only use them to buy, I find Coinbase the most trustworthy. I've read so much crap about Binance, with random account blocks and the like, that I steer clear of it.

After the purchase, it goes straight into the ledger anyway, I track the prices myself.
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Maybe the discussions will help you :)
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I have coinbase
I am with Coinbase, in my opinion it is simply the safest crypto broker.
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clearly recommend Kraken 👌🏽
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