Scorpion Capital announced a short position in TransMedics Group $TMDX (+2,39%) accusing the company of operating a "mafia-like" scheme involving organ trafficking, kickbacks, billing fraud and abuse outside of approved indications. Scorpion plans to file a citizen petition with the FDA and has set a target price of $0.
Scorpion Capital names TransMedics as a short idea with $0 target. Scorpion Capital said in a recent short report that "in 20 years of short-selling, TransMedics is the most extreme and grotesque healthcare fraud we have ever seen, not only because of its scale, but because it is based on exploiting the most vulnerable patients." The short-seller adds in its report, in which it gives a $0 price target for the stock, that the company "will soon file a citizen petition with the FDA requesting suspension of the PMA (premarket approval) of the TransMedics Organ Care System, in conjunction with a public letter to members of Congress investigating abuses in the U.S. organ transplant system."
Over 300 pages of claims that customers are being forced to use the OCS and bundle with NOP.
The OCS system is the most advanced organ preservation system! To offer the complete service, customers absolutely need a connection to the NOP! The alternative is an ice box for storage and therefore a poorly preserved organ.