
What do you think of $NEL (-0,47%) ?

Do you think the company has potential for the future? Hydrogen is actually a topic for the future and the share is no longer so massively inflated.

I am considering opening a long-term position (bet).

What do you think?

3 Commenti

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It will have to come ... but where and in what way? Production just has to become more economical. And after all, there are gas-hydrogen hybrid heating systems... In the next few years, hydrogen will probably be in the mix. Ships can also travel huge distances with it. And much more ... So - it's coming! But when?
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The question is whether Nel is there. I would rather invest in Linde, Air Liquide or Air Products...,
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How did you come up with the value of the fantasy? It's been around for several years and it's always nel, nel, nel - currently there are much better markets
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