Durr ADR
Domande frequenti
Qual è la capitalizzazione di mercato di Durr ADR?
Qual è il rapporto prezzo/utile (P/E) di Durr ADR?
Qual è l'utile per azione (EPS) di Durr ADR?
Qual è il fatturato di Durr ADR nei dodici mesi precedenti?
Qual è l'EBITDA di Durr ADR?
Qual è il flusso di cassa libero di Durr ADR?
Quanti dipendenti ha Durr ADR e a quale settore e industria appartiene?
Dati finanziari
- Cap. di mercato
- 1,58 Mrd USD
- 0,278 USD
- Rapporto P/E (TTM)
- 16,38
- Ricavi (TTM)
- 5,39 Mrd USD
- 363,86 Mln USD
- Flusso di cassa libero (TTM)
- 330,40 Mln USD
- Portata 52S
- 3,576 USD5,352 USD
Dürr AG engages in the business of mechanical and plant engineering, which focuses on automation and digitalization. It operates through the following divisions: Paint and Final Assembly Systems, Application Technology, Clean Technology Systems, Industrial Automation Systems, and Woodworking Machinery and Systems. The Paint and Final Assembly Systems division plans and builds paint systems and final assembly lines for the automotive industry and supplies software for the over-arching production control. The Application Technology division develops and manufactures products and systems for the automated application of paint, sealants, and adhesives. The Clean Technology Systems division specializes in exhaust gas purification systems and energy efficiency technology. The Industrial Automation Systems division comprises the automation technology and balancing, diagnostic, filling, ang tooling technology business areas. The Woodworking Machinery and Systems division develops and produces machinery and systems for the woodworking industry. The company was founded by Paul Albert Dürr in 1896 and is headquartered in Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany.
- Dipendenti
- 20.597
- Industrie
- Industrial Machinery
- Settore
- Industriali
- US2668881061
- Ticker primario