Rebalancing in the GTAA portfolio at the turn of the month. Nasdaq100 now has the strongest momentum.
Sell: EMU Smallcaps.
New allocation:
40% Nasdaq100 $UST (-1,45%)
40% EuroGovBondsShort $DXSV (-0,44%)
15% Bitcoin $BTC (-0,6%)
5% Cash at TR for 2% p. a. (for post-purchase Bitcoin)
Edit: Now it has happened after all. The order of the weighted momentum has shifted massively again within one day because of the strong rises at the end of last week. $DXSV (-0,44%) thus slipped from 2nd place well behind before the turn of the month. $MMS (+0,09%) . So what to do? I finally decided to correct the mistake, bite the bullet, pay the 10€ and switch into the $CSEMUS (+0,02%) with the significantly lower spread.
I see I still need to work further on the implementation of GTAA.