
The money left over from my exit at $SQ (+2,02%) triggered by an SL that I had set at -10% to the buy-in.

I use it to open my position at $O (-2,72%) .

I've had the stock on my watch for a while and find the price very interesting.

Realty Income logo
Acquistato x10 a 48,08 €
480,80 €
3 Commenti

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You can set another SL at -10% to the buy-in 😉.
immagine del profilo
I also topped up today.
- Reliable company history
- Competent company management
- Strong capacity utilization
- Payout ratio at 75%

Enjoy the dividend until the interest rate cuts come📈
immagine del profilo
100% 3Y EPS growth swapped for 25% EPS growth, Realty even valued 4 times higher. So everyone else sees something that I don't or I'm just suffering from distorted perception again 🤣 I'm not trying to denigrate any purchases here, I just want to understand.

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