
$ABR (-0,27%) Discussion

Recently this high yielding REIT was accused of fraud by a company called “NISCUR” a short holding statement with many grammatical errors and financial inaccuracies.

Despite the statement not holding much validity many investors were spooked causing $ABR (-0,27%) to go down 16% in the last 3 months.

Recently it was found out that the people behind the short holding position were from Africa and were trying to scare people into making a profit (which they most likely did)

Although the stock is recovered about 5% from its low I still believe there is way more gain left on the table (P/E ratio of 7!) and as a result I have purchased many shares of $ABR (-0,27%)

What are your thoughts.

1 Commento

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@CST1112 for such uncertain market nothing may worth than defensive stocks. REIT could be also considered as defensive, but not in such aggressive anti-inflation regulations, high-volatility and industry->technology transition period.

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