
1st Crypto Summit in the White House - and the Fifa World Cup trophy is presented😂

Michael Saylor seemed to think it was really cool - he immediately whipped out his smartphone for a picture😅

Otherwise it was absolutely unspectacular. There was nothing new. Trump discussed the executive order on Bitcoin again and pointed out that $BTC (-5,36 %) is digital gold and that the US government is missing many billions of dollars in equivalent value due to Bitcoin sales in the past.

Unfortunately, Saylor didn't get a chance to speak, which was a shame. I would have liked to have heard him on the panel - but what solls🤷‍♂️

EDIT: Saylor's pictures describe the summit quite well😂

38 Commentaires

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry ? 🤣😭
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@Semos25 I feel the same way😂
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The Orange Man is simply comedy.
He is turning the presidency into one big show stage and damaging the office in the process.
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@Tenbagger2024 what is still to come. I can't foresee anything good.
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@Tenbagger2024 His choice says a lot about the general level of education in the USA. After all, he only says what most Americans want to hear. He couldn't care less about his people.
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Bullshit Show ❗️
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That was the biggest laughing stock! An absolute waste of time unfortunately!
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There was a lot of news! In summary, the following is important: 1. the Bitcoin reserve consists of stocks that have been confiscated from penalty stocks. Bitcoin will continue to be purchased, long-term and without burdening the taxpayer. 2) All other coins, such as Cardano and Ethereum, only come from penalty stocks and are not purchased further. This means that a clear distinction is made between Bitcoin and altcoins.
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@PalmPirateTechnocrate see my post from this morning :)

That's incredibly bullish, that's exactly how I see it. But all the information was already known beforehand and the summit itself was unspectacular.
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@stefan_21 totally bullish ? I see a free fall since this morning....
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@Tokugawa The market is currently very uncertain. I also think that the impact of the startegic Bitcoin Reserve in the US is being underestimated :)
It couldn't be much more bullish than it is at the moment... as the price is going in a different direction, this is a clear buy opportunity for me.
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@stefan_21 Jo, I also clicked buy 3x again today with falling prices + daily savings plan 🥳
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@Ash The EU wants to introduce the digital euro as CBDC in October.
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@PalmPirateTechnocrate I read that too, but what are you trying to tell me with that reference?
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The fact that the US Reserve is reacting cautiously as a result, perhaps Lagarde will ban Bitcoin.
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@PalmPirateTechnocrate In my opinion, the announcement of a CBDC by Christine Lagarde is not the reason for the current fall in the price of Bitcoin. Rather, I assume that the market reaction is due to the executive order, which, however, contained nothing surprising. Everything in it had already been announced in advance and, in my opinion, had long been priced in.

What particularly strikes me is that many mainstream media outlets are misrepresenting or misunderstanding the contents of the EO. I have often read that journalists continue to conflate Bitcoin with the general "crypto" sector, even though the regulation makes a clear distinction here. This misinformation could fuel uncertainty and cause short-term volatility, even though nothing has changed in the fundamental framework for Bitcoin.

And Christine Lagarde cannot ban Bitcoin, as she has no legislative power as ECB President. A ban would have to be decided politically at EU or national level, but would be difficult to enforce.

Bitcoin is decentralized and functions independently of state control. Even with restrictions on banks or exchanges, it could continue to be traded peer-to-peer.

Lagarde can therefore criticize Bitcoin, but neither ban nor abolish it.
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@Ash I bought again today... But I'm slowly running out of free cash... the rest is blocked for several trips this year - if I move it into Bitcoin now, I'll have a problem with my girlfriend😂
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@Ash absolutely right :)
Above all, cash and banking will not be abolished... First comes the digital euro as a payment alternative.
I just hope that it either doesn't come at all because the ECB screws it up or, if it does, that people don't use it. Such programmable, centralized money harbors great dangers.

But it will only get bad if cash is abolished and all banking transactions are processed via the CBDC. But that's a utopia that I don't even want to think about.

@PalmPirateTechnocrate Ms. Lagarde cannot ban Bitcoin. But there would be no reason to - after all, according to the experts at the ECB, Bitcoin is on its way to Irrelevanz🤷‍♂️😂
Voir toutes les 2 autres réponses
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Just tuned into the live stream and Saylor looks more like he's in physical pain while his "colleagues" are praising Trump and praising him to the skies. 😂
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@Ash yes full😂 I think he had his fists clenched under the table😂😂
He also didn't look at the Shitcoiners when they spoke. Also a certain signal
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@stefan_21 Yes, and held his middle(?) finger to his temple and looked in the other direction. What a body language 😂
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@Ash yes already wild😂 I would be interested to know if and what happened in advance or if Sa,lor's behavior in front of the cameras was strategic war🤷‍♂️
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@Ash added the Saylor pictures to the post - great memes for the future😂
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The Orange Man is just comedy.
He is turning the presidency into a one big show stage and damaging the office in the process.
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@Tenbagger2024 the man who has to ask before signing: Did I promise this to the voters? 🤡
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Politically speaking.... few statements on the topic, but a lot of adulation for the "Orange". The share price will follow the indices and reflect the ongoing disappointment of investors.
Definitely crying!
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In addition to my savings rates, which admittedly are not gigantic for some people here (50 euros per week), I placed a limit order of 100 euros at the beginning of the week. With the volatility at the moment, it feels like all it takes is for Trump to mention in an interview that Bitcoin is not his no. 1 priority and the price plummets 😅
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@SchlaubiSchlumpf Yes, the market is currently very nervous - despite the absolutely bullish News🤷‍♂️
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@stefan_21 after I missed the first slide by 75k, I told myself that I would set a limit stop for my savings installments that are always running. I would be very happy with that. I'd like to put more in, but my ETFs have priority for me and I'm moving house (and buying a kitchen) in May.
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Women weren't allowed in? 😅
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@randomdude A woman also had her say - but admittedly, the proportion of men was very high. But this is probably also due to the fact that few women are involved in the crypto sector.
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I have nothing against Trump. He keeps his word.
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Watched bastighg streams instead and have no regrets what a waste of time that would be to watch this shitshow
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What a freak show
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