Herewith I present my portfolio again. I am of course open to suggestions for improvement!
Briefly about me: I am 21 years old, still live with my parents and work as a system administrator.
I'm currently looking for a new car, so €20,000 of the €22,500 cash will probably disappear.
Due to the fact that I still live with my parents, my savings rate is around €1500. By saving for the new car, the savings installment that will be invested amounts to "only" €500.
350 per month currently goes into the savings plan $IWDA (-2,35 %) and 150€ into the $AE5A (-2,23 %)
In addition, "another" €60 goes into the building society savings contract, and €70 goes into the Riester pension on the $UIVD (+0,55 %) I also have a BAV, here the savings rate is €40.
Now I had the following idea: Close the building society savings contract and invest in $BTC (-1,56 %) and invest in the World ETF? What do you think of this suggestion?
I'm also currently undecided about what to do with the smaller positions >€500.
Thanks for reading and have a nice evening! :)