Hey everyone! I’m 22 and just started getting into investing recently, so I’m still figuring things out. I had some cash just sitting in my bank account, and I realized that was a dumb move—I should’ve started investing sooner. So, I took a bit of that money and bought some stocks, ETFs, and crypto. I’d love to get some tips, feedback on my portfolio, or any suggestions for good stocks to buy. Also, if you could share any advice on making money from dividends and reinvesting, that’d be awesome. Right now, I’m thinking about an ETF I own $SPY5 (-0,68 %) —people have suggested I sell it and switch to something else. I’m considering selling it and buying $VUSA (-0,68 %) instead. What do you all think? Thanks!
Discussion sur SPY5
11Investment decision!
Which S&P 500 etf would you rather choose?
$SPY5 (-0,68 %) or $VUSA (-0,68 %) ?
If so, can you please elaborate. I have a hard time of choosing between them and focusing on both, of course doesn’t make any sense.
Thank you in advance!
Which ETF would you prefer for a long-term investment (>20 years) in terms of dividend growth. I only want it as an addition. The country weighting is therefore not important for the time being.
I have looked at these so far:
I have to be honest, I like them all quite a lot, although I'm almost leaning towards the $SPY5 (-0,68 %) even though it is not geared towards dividend growth, it has increased the dividend substantially in the past. Combined with the share price performance and the low cost of 0.03, I find it really attractive.
What do you think?
Do you have any other suggestions?
Thank you for your opinions.
So $FGEQ, for example, is theoretically an MSCi World minus "no quality companies" minus "no dividend payers". This is why, for example, $NVDA is also included, as it only pays a minimal proportion of dividends.
There is also a good article on this by a user.
But to your question:
I myself have built my portfolio in such a way that the value of the dividends is around 2% and can grow over the years. I have combined a core-satellite strategy with $VWRL as the core, the strong dividend payer $TDIV and the combination $FGEQ as the satellite.
I am very happy with my decision so far.
Hello again to everyone,
I am currently saving the $TDIV (-0,49 %) and the $SPY5 (-0,68 %) .
Now I'm thinking about adding a third ETF. Does that make sense from your point of view or do you think the diversification with the two ETFs is sufficient?
In the $TDIV (-0,49 %) are 100 companies with a USA share of approx. 20%.
My consideration would be to cover the Asian region in some way.
Hello everyone,
I'm still "relatively" new to the stock market. Even though I've been investing sporadically for a few years now, I've been really interested in sticking with it for the long term since this year.
I save 2 ETfs with a total of €500/month. The $TDIV (-0,49 %) and the $SPY5 (-0,68 %) . I also have around 35% of my almost €23,000 in individual shares and BTC. But that's not the point.
I would like to expand my general knowledge of the stock market and would like your recommendations for books in this area.
I have already read the book by Finanzfluss and the book "Souverän investieren mit Indexfonds" by Gerd Kommer is already available. I also read the book by Beate Sander (Börsenführerschein) two years ago, but I didn't really get much out of it back then.
What else would you recommend with regard to individual shares or investing in the stock market in general?
🇯🇵 Japan 🇯🇵
Since the beginning of this year, the Nikkei 225 has performed really well compared to other major indices such as the S&P500.
Here is a small comparison between:
According to William Pesek for Barron's (link to article below), there are three reasons:
- Favorable P/E ratios;
- A central bank still pressing on the monetary gas pedal;
- A renaissance in Japanese corporate governance.
I have been overweight Japan in my portfolio for several months (~15%-17%).
Are you invested in Japan?
Are you bullish?
Japan's Bull Run Is Due for a Reality Check: https://www.barrons.com/articles/japan-bull-run-is-due-for-a-reality-check-yen-stock-7b24359e
(Decided against a Japan ETF at the time because I was sure Shimano would do better). Call me "the brain"
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