In November, I finally had the necessary income to afford higher-risk investments.
Until then, I only had index funds tracking the MSCI World or Emerging Markets. So I came up with the idea of looking for the next technology that could explode like #ai companies did.
It occurred to me to look for #quantum companies since it was a technology I had been following for many years.
I found the following:
Seeing their prices starting to rise, I decided to buy a reasonable amount of shares.
Little did I know that days later, $GOOG would present its quantum chip, causing a #pumpstock of my shares, tripling their value on average.
Unfortunately, I continued buying during the rise, which increased my average price. The price then fell when the CEO of $NVDA (+0,22 %) commented that quantum computing was still two decades away from being relevant. Luckily, I took advantage of the dip and bought more shares. Today, I am back in profit.
I have learned that it is not advisable to buy during such vertical rises and it is always better to wait for a correction. My goal is to hold these investments for the long term (3-5 years), if all goes well. However, I will keep a close eye on them to make sure none of them go bankrupt prematurely