Hi, I've been investing in funds since 2010 and have gambled a bit on the stock market from time to time, which always went well, except for this January when I took a dive into the toilet, well, that's part of it, I'd say. Since November 2023, I've been thinking that maybe I should stop gambling and build up something solid and long-term via a savings rate. (even though I hit the wall in January)
Now I have opened 2 brokers TR and Finanz.Zero
In TR (€ 238 per month) I wanted to save in individual shares and in FZ - ETF's (€ 225 per month) my funds continue to run in parallel with € 150 per month and then there is another € 200 per month on the call money account. Monthly investment of € 813
Now I've thought about the following and wanted to ask you for your opinion:
TR (admittedly it's a bit like gambling again :) )
$BAYN (+1,8 %) 12€ per week
$KO (-0,06 %) 12€ wö.
$AMZN (-1,52 %) 50€ monthly
$IFX (-4,73 %) 12€ weekly
$PYPL (-1,24 %) 12€ weekly
$XAIX (-1,08 %) 75€ monthly
$LYPS (-1,03 %) 50€ per month
$LYY7 (-1,77 %) 25€ per month
$BITC (-4,76 %) 50€ per month
$EXSH (-1,28 %) 25€ per month
DekaFonds CF DAX $n/a (-2,21 %) perf. 18.59%
Deka-GlobalChampions CF $n/a (-1,08 %) perf. 32.78% (since 2018)
In addition, I am currently undecided whether I should liquidate the funds and rather invest in the ETFs because of the lower fees or leave the ETFs.
What do you think? Investment horizon, there is no concrete one, the €800 a month doesn't hurt me and I would only spend it on nonsense anyway.