
Hello dear community,

I am brand new and have been investing since 01.08.24.

As you know, you get "advice" from all sides on the internet, and I'm pretty confused at the moment and don't know what to do.

And yes, I know you're supposed to do your own research, but I'm finding it a bit difficult at first as everything is new to me.

I've started saving monthly with savings plans:

- $IWDA (-0,01 %) 350€

- $EIMI (+0,05 %) 100€

-$LU0908500753 (+0,31 %) 0 100€

- $IUIT (-0,21 %) 200€

I would also like to invest €20,000 from my call money to get started.

Would you recommend a different start?

I had considered using the FTSE instead of the World and EM, but decided against it as I only want to weight the EM with 10%.

I have added the tech sector as I want to stay away from shares until my first €100,000.

I have included Europe so that I can reduce the weighting of the USA somewhat. I am currently at 65%.

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I would leave out the $IUIT. If the information at getquin is correct with 22% Apple and 20% nvidia.

First go full on World/EM to get a feel for the market.
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If you want to weight EM with only 10%, you can also use the $SPYI (ACWI IMI) instead of the World+EM.
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I think the $IUIT is very good. 🚀
Getquin is really trash, shows false stocks, ghost bookings. Real crap!
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