At Frankfurt Airport, Uber users are now to start their journey in a special pick-up zone. The US company is working directly with Fraport on this.
Frankfurt - At home in California, Uber has long been familiar with the pick-up zone at the airport. For example, if you land in Los Angeles and want to continue by cab, you first have to squeeze into a shuttle bus that takes passengers to a large parking lot. Uber and the like are not even allowed to stop in front of the LAX exit. In the so-called "pick-up zone", one cab driver after the next then drives to his employer's stop. From there, the journey can continue in a relaxed manner.
Now the pick-up zone is also coming to Germany. Uber is launching its first collaboration with Fraport, the operator of Frankfurt Airport. The car rental company from the USA has now announced this in a press release. The aim is to make arrival and departure as easy and convenient as possible for travelers.
New at Frankfurt Airport: Uber gets its own pick-up zone
At Germany's largest airport, users of the Uber app will now benefit from a new, special arrival and pick-up area at Terminal 1. "In the specially designated area in parking lot P31 at Frankfurt Airport, they can wait for their cab or rental car ride arranged via the Uber app," the company announced. "This not only makes it easier for passengers and drivers to meet, thus improving the user experience, but also makes processes more efficient." Users can also call up directions in the Uber app.
"We look forward to further improving the travel experience in Frankfurt too. This will ensure a stress-free start to your vacation or business trip and longer-lasting relaxation on your return. We are also planning to enter into partnerships with other airport operators in Germany in the future," said Christoph Weigler, Head of Uber Germany. (csa/pm)