
Hello community, I am 15 years old and this is my portfolio. I have been investing and so on for the last 1 - 1.5 years. Before that, my parents managed the whole thing, which they still do, as the whole thing is in their name, as I am still a minor. Don't be scared by only 1.05% plus, that's because I only transferred the whole thing into the app here today.

Firstly, I wanted to hear your opinion about my portfolio and how I can improve it and what you think about the $IONQ as I could see significant potential there for the future.

Have a nice afternoon


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Instead of experimenting with individual shares, if I were you I would make it my mission to dissuade your parents from the expensive and underperforming Union Investment funds. And then it's time to
- Define investment goals,
- Evaluate the tax implications of the sales,
- Define a new investment strategy (long-term horizon: world ETF, + possibly gold & crypto admixture, short-term horizon: money market),
- Transfer old fund to neobroker, sell there and implement new strategy.
@randomdude Okay thanks, I'll have a look at that
I agree with beat the bank, I would look at more conservative stocks instead of mutual funds
@Pischi04 The previous speaker formulated the points very aptly.

I also find it fascinating how bank product salespeople sell you very undiversified (and therefore geopolitically very risky) funds.

As @PunktPunktKommaStrich has already mentioned below, switch to a world ETF.

As a tip: Google for financial flow ETF search 👌

In addition to all the opportunities for improvement, there's one thing you shouldn't forget:
Proud deposit amount for your age and great that you are starting so early! Time will work for you 🚀
@MoneyISnotREAL Thanks for your feedback, so I will stick with funds, as that is the main focus of Union Knvestment and due to certain circumstances I have NOTHING to pay to Union Investment, whether buying, selling or otherwise.

I have already picked out a more diversified global fund and will see if I can continue to invest 600-800 of my current private assets.

Thank you in any case for all the tips
@Pischi04 How come you don't have to pay a front-end load or annual management fees for the funds?
Parents working at the bank? Board of directors?
Even if so, I would still sell them because you don't have a big tax burden on them now. It will be different later.
So you're still hoping for the cost exemption at Unioninvestment due to personal relationships. I think it's naive to regard this as guaranteed for the next 40-50 years.

Secondly, the selection of Union funds is very questionable, as they focus particularly on the healthcare sector and Germany, which means you have a cluster risk in these areas.

Without having looked at the funds, I estimate 1.5 - 2% costs p.a., i.e. for every €10,000 (volume!) you pay €200 in fees.

As a tip:
Do the math with an online fund calculator. You will see that over the term this is not just 2%, but makes a difference of 2-4 times what, for example, an equivalent, cheaper ETF has more.

Ultimately, it's your decision, but you won't really feel the costs for decades.
@MoneyISnotREAL One of my parents works in the sector which is why I have no expenses.
I've already used up my €1000 allowance for this year, but next year I'll probably invest something from the healthcare sector in a more global ETF/fund
And the ETF calculator is a good idea, I'll keep that in mind
As I said, you are in contact with the stock market very early for your age. That's great!

In my career, I've realized that I won't rely on others (e.g. institutional investors) - whether it's tax-saving models, cost structures or whatever.

For you perhaps as a comparison aid / support. Not because you should reallocate, but as a broadening of horizons and possible help for your future:

UniRak DE0008491044
Mixed fund of equities (62%) & bonds (32%) & cash (6%)
At your age, I see bonds as a brake on returns and not necessary.

BioPharma LU0101441086
Sector fund ... I take a critical view because you take the full brunt of the fluctuations with something like this. If the sector is hit, the entire fund will fall to its knees
In my opinion, it only makes sense to make a sector bet if you are convinced that this sector will outperform the global market (which it currently does not).

Uniglobal DE0008491051
Is actually like a world ETF $VWRL $IWDA $HMWO...

Uni Aktien DE DE0009750117
geopolitical risk of DE. The first 10 stocks account for 54% of the total volume. In total there are "only" 43 stocks.

Uni HighTech LU0101441672
Sector bet on information technology, especially US companies. This sector is currently being driven extremely strongly by AI etc. and is doing very well. 👌


If I had to keep the UniFonds, or was not allowed to add anything new, I would rebuild them a little, e.g:

80% Uni Global
20% Uni High Tech

Sell the rest and switch into these.


I hope I've given you food for thought, or that the feedback will help you. In the end, you and your parents will have to make the decision that feels right for you.
We as a community only serve as an exchange and food for thought. 👌

Have fun investing 🚀
@MoneyISnotREAL Thank you, I've been looking more into the global market and am already talking to my parents about it
@MoneyISnotREAL in any case, thanks for this amount of information
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$VWRL or $IWDA or $HMWO do that ;D
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