The donkey becomes Papaaaaaaa 😍😍😍😍😍😍 wuhuuuuuuuuuuu! Congratulations my dear ❤❤ If you need a ING Juniordepot RefLink I'm always there for you! I can very well understand with the individual shares and I think I'm you only 1 year later xD purely in terms of the platform, investing and the lessons learned from it. The important thing is that you do what you feel comfortable with in the current situation. The experiences gained are not lost, but are the actual gains from the whole thing. So in the end, that wasn't in vain either, and how many people have your contributions already saved their asses. And yet, somehow what I wrote in a comment the other day is also true: getquin helps solve problems that you wouldn't have without getquin. Somehow you find yourself going around in circles, but you've actually made a giant leap forward. Continue to amuse us with your comments, your voice, and your bad jokes. Welcome to Daddy's Club ❤
•@Fabzy thank you, nothing to add. As soon as it gets serious, you may shower me with Ref Links for Junior Depots 😁