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How is this handled again for distributing ETFs? I haven't quite understood it yet
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@Schuckinator As I understand it, this tax also applies to distributing etfs as soon as the capital gain is higher than the distribution.
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@TaxesAreTheft but is the tax that was set up on dividends then offset against the tax that would be due on capital gains?

Or how does that work?
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@Schuckinator I strongly assume that this happens independently of each other. One is specifically aimed at the share price increase and does not affect the distribution itself.
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@TaxesAreTheft no. It is a PAUSCHALE. The price trend plays no role at all.

When you sell, you then pay capital gains tax on the profit less the advance lump sum
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@Schuckinator if the distribution yield is below the advance lump sum, you pay the difference (advance lump sum minus distribution). However, this can hardly happen unless your ETF pays out less than 0.3% per year
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@ScorpionfromBW This means that I have an average payout of approx. 1.5%, the issue of the advance lump sum does not apply in my case?
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@Schuckinator Yes, chop that off. It's the same for me. And above all, your exemption order is used first
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@ScorpionfromBW thanks for the clarification
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@Schuckinator look, a simple calculation:

For every €10k of capital, you need to pay around €30 a year for the upfront lump sum.

Your ETF pays out 1.5% annually, that would be €150. And that's more than the upfront lump sum to be paid.

So you only pay capital gains tax of approx. 18.5% on the €150. Finished