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I think it's okay.
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@DerMartin I find that absolutely abusive, greedy and disgusting.
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@TaxesAreTheft cringe the ox
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@TaxesAreTheft Okay for me. As is so often the case, opinions can differ.
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@DerMartin Yes, but you're also a left-wing (baby) boomer, so that should be taken into account.
@Soprano and you're antisocial, that should be taken into account. 😀

It's interesting to see how people take advantage of so much in Germany and don't want to give anything in return. Of course, not everything is good, but it's not as bad as some people make it out to be.

But I understand that as soon as something is taken from you, it hurts 😀
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@Eggplant I'm sick and tired of this 'you should be happy'. They are all servants of the people, they are obliged to maintain our standard of living and the basis for it. Politicians today are more influencers or celebrities and care more about their appearance and how they are perceived. My family has built this country over generations and paid endless amounts of taxes, everyone who pays even a cent in taxes has the right to demand that tax money is spent wisely and not on some luxury for politicians, NGOs or anyone else.
@TaxesAreTheft I'm not saying you should keep your mouth shut and be happy.

Sorry, but what your parents did and paid for has absolutely nothing to do with you. You simply won the sperm lottery in Germany and took advantage of all the things that the previous generations made possible for you.

Instead of giving something back, you have an unbelievable sense of entitlement and just moan. Have you ever thought about changing something within the country?

Probably not, that would involve work. Instead you moan and howl about how evil this society is. Sorry, but I find this anti-social parasitism simply despicable.

In my opinion, people like you deserve an inheritance tax of 100%, tuition fees of 100% and then you could finally prove how great you are.

All I ever hear is how great other countries are, and how great Thailand or similar is. Sure, the German salary there is not bad, but growing up there and salaries there?
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1. pretty pathetic that you get personal right away.

2. of course it has something to do with me, I see how my ancestors have built up an existence and I have a great interest in their efforts not being in vain.

3. i'll give something back, you have no idea who i am and what i do. Pretty pathetic to just make assumptions as you see fit.

4. i criticize and provide possible approaches on how things could be better in my opinion. If you see that as "whining", well.

5. who are people like me?

6. when have I ever said something like "I hate Germany" or "Germany is so shit"? I criticize certain things and that's my right, whether you like it or not. When have I ever portrayed Thailand in a positive light? I would never want to live there. I love Germany, I love Europe, there are just things that definitely need to change, you seem to see it differently or I hit a nerve with you that makes you get personal because you immediately get emotional and attack me personally.
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@Eggplant You don't have to be abusive, what's wrong with you? Just because you lack the factual arguments.

Would you rather explain to me what I am claiming in Germany? I've never received anything in this country that I haven't already paid for ten times over before or afterwards. And I have never had access to most benefits in the first place.
@Soprano You don't realize that I'm mirroring your sentence?