
Hi everyone. Now that I've reached my annual goal today (hopefully it will hold) and thus another milestone, I'd like to get some feedback.

Briefly about my strategy and my goal.

Every month I save

48% $LCUW (-1.09%)

16% $AE5A (-0.57%)

16% $ISPA (-0.08%)

10% $BTC (-2.84%)

10% $QQQ3 (-3.46%) (2.5% weekly)

$TDIV (+0.33%) is saved with dividends.

Individual shares are only bought on a one-off basis or, if necessary, subsequently.

I still have a few old stocks in my portfolio ($NIO (-6.6%)
$YOU (+0.67%) ) that will have to go soon. Apart from that, the main focus is on dividend stocks, which is good for my mindset when money comes in regularly.

My goal is to no longer have to work in 17 years if I want to.

My savings rate is currently "only" 20%, as we built a house 3 years ago and had a baby this year.

Now I'd like to rest ;) (Too many ETFs, too much crypto, no strategy ;) maybe you can think of more.


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What is your goal for 'in 17 years'? Good luck 🫶
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@tommycash Thank you. The aim would be to be able to live off the returns without the portfolio shrinking permanently. If I can continue to increase my savings rates every year and my return is around 10%, then in 17 years (at 55) I would have around 2 million in my portfolio
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@Gazza How high is your savings rate? 3k?
Then I think your idea is basically a good one. 2-3 ETFs as a core (but I wouldn't use EM) and quality stocks with stable dividends, at best bought cheaply.
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@Gazza I wish you every success, but I don't believe that you will achieve a 10% return p.a. in the future. There will certainly be years when you'll be happy to end the year in the black....
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@FairValue more like half ;). Unless you include the house loan :D. Yes, EM can certainly be discussed. But I do see potential in China and especially India, just because of the huge population
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@Pezi merci. Yes, 10% is ambitious. Hence the high BTC share. If it's only 7% then we'll just work until 60
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@Gazza With 1.5k and 10% you won't get to 2 million in 17 years, more like 1.1-1.2 million.

But as I said, otherwise I think your plan is solid and viable.
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@FairValue Yes, that's right. That's why I wrote if I can increase my savings rate every year. Thank you very much for your feedback
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Bitcoin has an average annual return of 60 percent. In the future, you can expect at least 40 percent.
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Is it intentional that you are using a synthetic ETF for EM? Especially if it's supposed to be long-term, I would personally prefer to invest in something that actually contains what it says on the tin.
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@Dividensenmann Honestly? I didn't look at it at the time. But I don't think it's bad to have a swapper either
Life-threatening Bitcoin overweight... Dress warmly...
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