Hi everyone. Now that I've reached my annual goal today (hopefully it will hold) and thus another milestone, I'd like to get some feedback.
Briefly about my strategy and my goal.
Every month I save
48% $LCUW (-1.09%)
16% $AE5A (-0.57%)
16% $ISPA (-0.08%)
10% $BTC (-2.84%)
10% $QQQ3 (-3.46%) (2.5% weekly)
$TDIV (+0.33%) is saved with dividends.
Individual shares are only bought on a one-off basis or, if necessary, subsequently.
I still have a few old stocks in my portfolio ($NIO (-6.6%)
$YOU (+0.67%) ) that will have to go soon. Apart from that, the main focus is on dividend stocks, which is good for my mindset when money comes in regularly.
My goal is to no longer have to work in 17 years if I want to.
My savings rate is currently "only" 20%, as we built a house 3 years ago and had a baby this year.
Now I'd like to rest ;) (Too many ETFs, too much crypto, no strategy ;) maybe you can think of more.