
A promising future

The Mainz-based company Biontech $BNTX (-2.29%) is currently testing several active substances in phase 2 trials - but none have yet reached the lengthy phase 3 required for approval.

US competitor Moderna $MRNA (+3.1%) claims to have an active substance - mRNA-4157 - in two phase 3 trials: as an add-on therapy against melanoma and against a certain form of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

The Moderna preparation mRNA-4157 (V940) could in turn be approved in the foreseeable future for the treatment of melanoma.

The active ingredient is currently being tested in two phase 3 trials - against a form of lung cancer and against high-risk melanoma. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration nach Angaben von Moderna und Merck has announced an accelerated approval process for the drug in combination with the immune checkpoint inhibitor pembrolizumab for melanoma therapy.


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It will be exciting to see some study results at $BNTX this year. BNT327 and BNT122 (the aforementioned cancer vaccine) in particular will set the course. New P3 data may also allow the approval of a second drug ->BNT323 ADC.
This is a German company, why is it only available as ADR?
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@Solitair BioNTech went public in the USA instead of Germany, where there is usually more venture capital and simply a better environment, especially for biotech companies
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@tobite thanks for the info - I thought I was totally wrong when I bought them years ago because I only have them as ADR in my portfolio
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@Michael-official yes, but I don't think modern is bad either - and it's still very cheap at the moment. I have both in my portfolio... risk diversification and all that 🤣👌🏻
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