
Small- mid caps Europe

Hello everyone,

My current portfolio was completely reorganized after the takeover of $COP (-0.53%) at the end/beginning of the year. I have reinvested almost all of the liquidity freed up as a result in small-mid caps. I also see further potential here in the coming years due to more flexible adaptability (with regard to the USA) and financing costs. At the beginning of the year $SESG (-1.68%)
$NA9 (-1.56%)
$TNIE (-3.76%)
$KTN (+1.18%)
$ALCRB (-4.31%)
$DSFIR (-0.69%) made it into my portfolio. Today, I swapped the pipe burner $P911 (-3.79%) in $MUM (+0%) . My next idea would be $SIX2 (-1.4%) I would like to hear what else you have on your watchlist in this segment.




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Hi Micha, I'm also looking at Man and Machine at the moment, not only the dividend but also the share price potential with the targets that have been set @Michey777
I've had Sixt in my portfolio since last year, only the legacy E Auto has to be sold as it had losses in the remaining balance.
I still have the following in the Prime Standard: $A1OS $CWCA $KWS $VOS
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@Smudeo Thank you very much, I'll take a look. $CWCA has also been on my radar. But I just found it so difficult because, just like $TNIE, most of the business actually takes place in Q4. I've never heard of $AFOM.
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@Smudeo or do you mean them? $A1OS ?
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@Michey777 exactly corrected it
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Hi, I recently added Carbio's $ALCRB to my portfolio. I've been watching it for a while, am very convinced by the company and have now put my first foot in the door with €1k. Let's see what happens in April with the next figures...
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@ChillmaldeineNuggets I am also curious. The share is now trading virtually at cash level.
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@Michey777 I also thought that the opportunities are currently greater than the risks from my point of view. Of course, a small divisional company can quickly be out of the picture, but I'll take the (in my view quite low) risk. If Carbios' plans work out, we would still have a lot of fun with their shares.
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