If you think the SPD's plans regarding the $BTC (+0.38%) year deadline or the other tax increases as stupid as I do, help out and write an e-mail to the MPs in your constituency.
My e-mail just went out (feel free to copy it).
"Dear [name],
I am writing to you today in your capacity as my directly elected representative in the German Bundestag. My request concerns the currently discussed abolition of the one-year tax-free period for profits from trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, which is currently being demanded by the SPD as part of the coalition negotiations.
The abolition of this tax-free one-year period would place a heavy financial burden on many investors and make sustainable, long-term investments in innovative technologies more difficult in particular.
Internationally, we are observing that countries such as the USA and our neighboring country, the Czech Republic, are creating attractive tax and regulatory frameworks to promote innovation in the field of digital assets and cryptocurrencies. If Germany were to abolish the annual tax deadline, there would not only be a threat of a weakening of national innovative strength, but also a migration of capital, talent and start-ups to countries with more crypto-friendly framework conditions.
In addition, investors in highly volatile assets such as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies already bear considerable risks - and that with capital that has already been taxed. I find it extremely unreasonable that the state is also demanding almost a third of the profits, especially in view of the fact that any losses remain entirely with the investor.
Instead, our common goal should be to establish Germany as a leading location for innovative financial technologies through tax incentives and a clear regulatory framework. I therefore ask you to actively campaign within your parliamentary group and in the Bundestag to retain the existing one-year tax period and to refrain from increasing the tax burden.
Help position Germany as an attractive location for innovation, long-term investment and forward-looking technologies.
Thank you very much!
Yours sincerely"
Even if it probably won't help, it's worth a try in my eyes. The MPs should realize that the population is unhappy with the proposals.
The same of course also applies to all the other tax increases. The fact that the will of the voters will no longer interest these colleagues after the election is another matter. But I also think it would be wrong to simply do nothing.
Thank you!