And already my first article 🥳
Today Eckert & Ziegler published $EUZ (+0.43%) published its results for the first nine months of 2024 and reports continued growth. Sales increased by 17% to € 215.5 million compared to the previous year. EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) from continuing operations increased by 24% to € 46.7 million. Net profit rose by 15% to 23.4 million euros or 1.12 euros per share. The main driver continued to be the pharmaceutical radioisotope business, supplemented by growth in other product groups.
Sales in the Medical Devices segment rose by 26% to 104.5 million euros. The Isotope Products segment achieved an increase of 10% to 111 million euros. The forecast for the year as a whole has been confirmed: The Management Board continues to expect annual sales of around 265 million euros and EBIT of 55 million euros.
In my opinion, this is a solid result with decent sales growth, which illustrates the strength of the company.
More details are available on the company website: Eckert & Ziegler Pressemitteilung .
The news is based on what I personally consider to be reputable sources. However, I do not guarantee their accuracy.