
Hello word

Hey guys.

I found getquin a couple of months ago and initially just used it to monitor my portfolio.

In the last couple of weeks I have been diving into all the community posts and reading some of the interesting stuff posted here every day. So I decided I wanted to be a part of this and will start by introducing myself and what my thoughts and plans are for my portfolio and future investments.

Currently I am 26 and doing my PhD in molecular biology in Germany. In 2020 after school I took my first steps into the world of investing by opening a fund at my bank through a friend of mine who works there. I started with 2 investments; UniGlobalnet and UniNachhaltig Aktien Global with 25€ per month. I mostly forgot about them during my studies because it was not that easy from time to time, so I did not have that much spare time. I was also lucky that my parents paid for almost everything so I didnt have to work after university. But of course I didnt have a lot of money to invest, so I was happy with the way things were going. Since November 2023 I have been working as a research assistant at a university. The salary is 65% of a TV-L E-13, which is about 1,9k netto. Not much, but I really enjoyed spending large amounts of my first real "earned" money. But after a few months I decided that it would be better to invest it in parts. So I opened an account with finanzen.net and started investing in different kinds of ETFs and other assets like $XDWD (+1.14%)
$VWRL (+1.21%)
$NVDA (+3.85%)
$WGLD (-0.28%) and stuff like that without even knowing what I was doing. It was all fun and games and the returns did not look too bad. Over the course of the month I added a few assets through individual purchases and also added some monthly payments for ETFs or stocks that I found interesting.

A couple of months ago I also signed up to Trade Republic (mainly because I wanted the fancy card) and have been using the cashback and round-up facilities there to do some passive farming, but with no real focus on it.

Now I want to add a bit more structure to my portfolio and wanted to get your opinion on my plans. The one Union Investment funds I want to sell over time, but only 1k a year because of the tax exemption order here in Germany. The money will go into one of the core ETFs. I have made some individual purchases such as $NTMC (+3.82%) and things like that just to see how they perform in the future. I know it's not ideal to hold so many positions with so little money, but they're not in my payment schedule, so I'll just hold them. For the next few years I will only be investing in a few ETFs rather than all the ones currently in the portfolio and will also be reducing some individual stocks to focus on a few. Do you have any suggestions on which ones to hold and which ones to sell?

My aim for the next year is a monthly rate of 350€ (see picture) in different assets and for the long run to buy and hold everything. Im not quite sure what I want to do with the money in the future, that just depends too much on things I cant really say at the moment like my position after the PhD, family etc.


These are just some initial thoughts and I would appreciate any comments or advice from you guys, thanks in advance! :)


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Why so many mini positions?
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@teoo In the portfolio atm because I've been playing around with some spare cash and now just want to watch it. In the monthly plan because I couldnt decide between all the assets, but its probably much more profitable to delete a few and put that money into one of the core ETFs I guess.
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@MtotheW okay understandable. I am also trying to minimize my positions to pursue more straight forward strat.
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Definitely get rid of the Superdividend. I would also say goodbye to sector ETFs/funds. For All World, MSCI World and S&P 500 + MSCI World ex-US, I would limit myself to one ETF or combination. It doesn't have to be right away, just sleep on it for a night or two and then decide. You should also decide whether you want the distributing or accumulating variant.

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@SSIT all right, thank you! i'll do it
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@SSIT why limit to one ETF? They have different use cases right?
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I get why you have so many positions, but I would also recommend to either close them or add more money into them. The way it is now they only are a distraction in my opinion and won‘t do you any good. With the ETFs I would also not make it unnecessarily complicated, just take an All-World ETF. If you feel like you want to put more emphasis on something, like the Healthcare Sector, Germany, Growth stocks or anything you can look for fitting smaller ETFs, but if you have no such plans one All-world ETF is already well-diversified and there is no need to add something just to have more than one position. That‘s my opinion, at lesst.
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@DieEnte7 yeah you're right. I just have somehow problems with selling this little stuff when the numbers are green, even if its not so worth it on the long run. But i think its time to say goodbye and focus a bit more
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