Since case one has already been dealt with, I think (no advice of any kind) there is an error in reasoning here: Your purchase price falls, but so does the Danaher price as a result of the cancellation. Your purchase price is reduced in proportion to the respective price and ratio. In return, you receive the spin-off at a price of 0, while the original share is priced minus the value of the new share. So that's right. Still annoying if you want to keep Danaher but not the new ones. You pay quite a lot.
@Akardier okay maybe, but deducting the value of a Veralto share from each Danaher share makes no sense. You also need 3(?) Danaher shares for one Veralto share, so even if Flatex sees it the way you do, it should only deduct 1/3 per share