At 30000 you can push the 20k completely in...
•@Woods stop dreaming. Are you one of those people who just WAIT or do it? :)
@Testo-Investor I am fully invested. I have exactly 1.4 k left in my account and go to the gym 3 times a week. Bitcoin doesn't fit my strategy, but if it did I wouldn't buy it now. It looks more likely that it will fall significantly further.
•@Woods that sounds cool, But your bitcoin attitude I'm not dakor with :-)
It can but does not have to .... If it runs to 45 great.... No one guarantees you 30k... I can't afford to be only half invested.... So the money has to come in :-)
And if it goes lower, then there are still reserves that flow in
It can but does not have to .... If it runs to 45 great.... No one guarantees you 30k... I can't afford to be only half invested.... So the money has to come in :-)
And if it goes lower, then there are still reserves that flow in
@Testo-Investor It's better to be invested than not at all. That's the way it has to be. The most important thing is to hold the Bitcoin for a long time, I think most people fail because they leave the stuff lying around.
•@Woods I already have a precise plan... It depends on how high it goes and then I'll decide how much fresh capital I can generate by selling 20-30% .... But that's for the future! First of all, I want to see a bull run in the next few months :)