Either the bitcoin pundits are right and you are millionaires with the current principal anyway, in which case the 20k won't make any difference. Or you're wrong, you're broke, have debts and one friend less to lend you 20k.
•@Madhatter5566 either or... nothing fucks you harder than life :) Let's wait and see.
@Testo-Investor The question is whether the extra million you are dreaming of is worth it. Because whether you go broke with 20k more invested or your investment increases a thousandfold with 20k more doesn't really make a difference. I don't usually understand this. Does your friend know that you are gambling with his money?
•@Madhatter5566 It's not primarily about getting richer... It's about the fact that I'm fed up with the state and the monetary system and the tax system anyway. It's also simply a protest investment! Don't worry about it. I earn very good money and have more than enough collateral to pay off the amount within a very short time.
@Testo-Investor Then it's even more moronic.
@Madhatter5566 that's your unqualified opinion. :)
@Testo-Investor to the extent that you sound illusioned, she's not unqualified. Hey, I gamble with other people's money. But don't worry, I could earn or recoup it very quickly if I lost it all.
Either that's true, then you could just invest your totally good earnings or take assets that bring less to put into Bitcoin.
Or it's not true. Then you have illusions. They will hurt at some point.
Either that's true, then you could just invest your totally good earnings or take assets that bring less to put into Bitcoin.
Or it's not true. Then you have illusions. They will hurt at some point.
@Madhatter5566 I don't know what you want. I don't care what you think or do. I'm fully behind it and I'm going through with it completely. Your criticism is ok, but I'm sticking to my decision! Allin Krypto !!! 💪💪💪
@Testo-Investor That's ok. I just think it's always illusory to the point of gambling addiction when someone borrows money with the claim that the bills are only peanuts, they could earn it in a short time and it will go wrong.
I have never seen anyone who really assesses the risk honestly or simply invests the money. Because you still have to pay the whole thing back in the end.
Otherwise, I think it's sporting, especially as it's a single bet.
I have never seen anyone who really assesses the risk honestly or simply invests the money. Because you still have to pay the whole thing back in the end.
Otherwise, I think it's sporting, especially as it's a single bet.
@Madhatter5566 I didn't specify or say that it was peanuts? 20,000 is a lot of money - I'm aware of that! Of course I'm addicted to investing, but that was also my goal in 2024 when I started in 2023 ...