
Which companies are at the top of your watch list right now? Why are they so interesting for you?

For me it is $ASML (+1.4%) and $PH (+0.15%) .

ASML as a technology company with a big moat. Technologically 4 years ahead of the competition. The machines are essential for everything that is based on chips and so ASML can push through price increases. For me, a great addition to my Apple and Microsoft position, since they are also in the MSCI World.

Parker Hannifin boring conglomerate ;). Good performance for a long time, few negative phases and a real heavyweight in many areas, e.g. hydraulics, pneumatics and electromechanics. In addition, through the acquisition of Clarcor 2017 leading in filter systems. I am a bit sad about the 105 euros in the Corona crisis and the 222 euros this year. There was just a little cash missing, because there were others even before. Would be a non-existent addition from the mechanical engineering sector in my portfolio. What is a little difficult, the company makes so much, you can hardly see through what it does.

No investment advice. Serves only the exchange.

Who is at the top of your list and why?


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I like stocks like $PH. The only issue could be the USD and possibly recession. Thanks for the highlight. $ASML is not my current investment, it would be too early for me. What I am currently considering is $AEP, which looks quite interesting at first glance and could stabilize a portfolio.
@justoxford Hi Michael, thanks for your opinion. Why would ASML be too early for you?
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@Since1887 because the current situation in the sector is too risky. If it has to be the sector, I would rather choose $AVGO
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