

hey when would you join $MCO (-0.79%) get in ?

i think the value would fit perfectly into my portfolio



Is there a stock that wouldn't fit well in your portfolio? 😂
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@Memo0606 Can't you share your entire portfolio with us? Preferably with your strategy and everything that goes with it? Maybe then we can give you some better advice 😉
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@Hotte1909 my strategy is to buy fundamentally strong stocks that offer themselves chart-technically for an entry and are cheap or attractively valued
i focus on growth and dividend growth but more growth than value
it would also be great if i could diversify, not just usa for example
you can see my portfolio 😁
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@Memo0606 that looks pretty good in itself. Also in terms of performance. No stock is too heavily weighted, so you have spread the risk quite well. I haven't looked at every stock exactly, but only at performance and portfolio share. Do you have the stocks partly as swing trades or buy and hold? Thought we actually had more overlaps 😀
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@Hotte1909 apparently we don't have many shares in common 🥹 but actually buy and hold
at the moment there are just mega opportunities
$NOW or $MCO (I want to expand my finances) so I would even take part of my nest egg for use
of course there is no crash but i don't know
what do you think about the fact that i want to sacrifice a part of my nest egg
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@Memo0606 That always depends. Personally, I don't have anything like a nest egg because I'm never 100% invested anyway but always have around 50k somewhere in the short term. I also have a company where I still have some cash that I can pull out if necessary, plus a building society savings account that I could theoretically still charge with 100k so that I could also access around 250-300k at relatively short notice. But I'm also well aware that this situation is not a given and that a nest egg makes sense in other situations in life.
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@Hotte1909 yes of course i only have 3-4 thousand euros ... how do you see moody's rating? the company is top, nobody can say anything
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@Hotte1909 exactly
I have too few financial stocks, that would be a great fit
the stock hasn't corrected much, but the discount is already there
15% from the ATH
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