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My humble opinion:

The ISO story has been told for years.
Personally, I have huge doubts that banks will go out and buy the hodlers' bags empty just to use these tokens.
Not going to happen.
XRP is generated at the push of a button.

Same point for a so-called crypto reserve with XRP and SOL.
This crap is generated at the push of a button, just like our fiat money.

What is the point of a reserve with endlessly inflatable tokens?

I don't believe in it.
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@Artiskon Most importantly, the XRP coin is not needed on RippleNet. Even if banks were to use the RippleNet at some point, they will most likely not carry out transactions with a coin where a single company owns over half of the supply and can therefore significantly influence the price.
The XRP people should ask themselves why Ripple launched a stablecoin😅