
All main goals for 2024 reached!!!

It's been about 7.5 months, since restarting this investment journey and today I reached my second major goal for this year, 150k$ invested!

The first one being 500$/month in dividend payments, which was reached a couple of months ago. Both goals were already the upgrade to the initial ones (i.e. 120k$ invested and 400$/month div.).

There are some more to the done, like:

further consolidation of positions

owning 1000 shares of $SCHD (719)

owning 400 shares of $O (+1.37%) (313)

owning 500 shares of $SPLG (223).

Maybe we can even hit 200k$ by the end of the year? 🤞🤞🤞

Happy investing 📈, happy compounding💸!


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Now it is time to help me to fulfill mine 🙂
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@DonkeyInvestor what are your dreams?
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@Fabianfeuer that you send me 5k Euro
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