
My investment in

Anglo American is a very cyclical company that likes to double in good phases and more than halve in bad phases. After the company had already fallen massively, I set up a savings plan at the end of last year (€50/month) in order to ride the downward trend until it bottomed out and then be part of the next upward trend. I wanted to invest a total of €500 and sell the position again when I was at least 50% up. "Unfortunately" it currently looks as if the bottom is forming a little earlier than I had hoped (see price trend) and so far I have only invested €250 with dabei🤷🏻‍♂️

I will of course keep my savings plan running and am curious to see how things will $AAUKF continues😌


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Why not $AAL and save yourself the withholding tax? 🤔
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@DividendenWaschbaer Oh, this is the first time I've noticed this...
Could you kindly explain the difference between $AAUKF and $AAL?
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@AktienAmateur069 Well, one is the listing in New York and the other is the listing in London.
With the US share you pay withholding tax and tax in Germany.
England, however, has no withholding tax. This means that you pay no withholding tax on the PLC, but only the tax in Germany (minus the exemption order)
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@DividendenWaschbaer Well, the last dividend payment was in March, the next one is in September. For the dividend payment after that, I plan to no longer be invested...
I don't think it makes sense to switch again now because of a single dividend payment, if only because of the order fees.
But thanks anyway for bringing this to my attention hast👍🏻
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