
$BATS (+0.63%) I added this share to my portfolio a few months ago at a buy in of 29.3 for 10k.

Now the profit stands at 2.4k including a distribution of approx. 270€.

I am undecided as to whether I should continue with the buy & hold principle or sell part of the position so that it is back at 10k and switch to other shares such as $GOOGL (-4.93%)
$IMB (-1.14%) or ETFs.

What would you do?


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Hold and enjoy the dividends. If it reassures you, set a stop loss.
@Klambam That's how I would have done it. Stop loss is perhaps a good idea to limit the damage.
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Why did you decide to invest in $BATS a few months ago?
@Dividenden-Sammler At the time, the share seemed fairly valued to me. Because of the large market share, because the P/E ratio is better than that of US tobacco shares such as $PM and $MO and because there is no withholding tax on UK shares. $PM is also good in my opinion.
@Maximilian01 $PM - even if it is an American stock, they do not sell products in the USA. Just for reference. Apart from that, I find it interesting, and I've mentioned this several times before, that the shaky ones immediately start thinking about selling again when the stock is up 20%. I hope you don't call yourself a buy and hold investor.
@Transporter Yes, they have divided up the market. There's another separate share for Japan. My main holdings are shares and ETFs that I never sell. This price is only abnormal for a tobacco share. A few months ago everything here was full of how dead tobacco stocks are and today LVMH, for example, is down and BAT is up. I just think that BAT will perform worse than others in the long term and will therefore reduce my position if things continue like this. I have never sold or shifted 90% and have done well with it.
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@Maximilian01 this is undoubtedly a cash cow....and you have a margin of safety thanks to a favorable entry with a personal dividend yield of somewhere around 9-10%. You're already very close to the overall market performance even without a price increase...so why pay taxes for nothing? You can see how great Google is performing right now...it's still too early to get in...it will go down a bit before the turn comes
@Maximilian01 Tobacco was never dead, there were just a lot of people who thought it was dead. Just like oil was once said to be dead. I think there is a difference. Tobacco will still be around in 30 years' time. The price is not abnormal either, it is just heading back towards its actual value. It has been undervalued for a long time now.
@Transporter You're probably right. That's why I got into tobacco, I missed out on armaments and I didn't have enough money left for oil😒Do you think the oil age is coming to an end or will it continue for a few more decades? I think a ban on combustion engines by 2030 is unlikely. There could also be a successor with synthetic fuels, almost an analogy to the substitute products such as snus and e-shisha in the tobacco industry. In the future, I wanted to establish a good position with Shell. Lg
@Maximilian01 In my opinion, oil will still be around in 20 or 30 years' time. I don't believe that it will be possible to electrify all vehicles worldwide. It will probably take a different drive concept. And then we have all the 3rd world countries and emerging nations that will continue to need oil until the new generation of vehicles arrives. So the big players will continue to do good business.
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Hold, the share is doing great and if you really want to make a lot of profit you can set a stop loss. Until then, build up profits and enjoy the late dividends.
@Toooom Does anyone speak from experience regarding delayed dividends? Next payday I can make a "where's my dividend" or "has your dividend arrived yet" post 😁
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@Maximilian01 yes, but it could also be due to ING, RealtyIncome dividends are always paid out with a significant delay.
@Toooom Ok interesting, I am with Flatex. But the selection of online brokers in Austria is also poor. There is only Flatex here and another one that is tax-simple.
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Holding, back and forth empties pockets
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