
Stubbornly and steadily invested today a part of the inflation premium. The goal is to significantly increase the MSCI World share this year by individual purchases and to reduce the share of individual shares piece by piece:)

Xtrackers MSCI World Swap ETF logo
Bought x20 at €77.07

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It is so interesting to see from a Swiss point of view how the state *fucks* you in order to present itself as a savior in the end.
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@Paladium Imagine the state would not fi*** us and we would no longer have to hide our money/gold in Switzerland or emigrate completely. If then all the cross-border commuters in Germany have a better perspective, then the Heidi must move back to grandfather.
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Why did you choose a swap ETF?
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@KevinC lower track error and more efficient in index tracking. I don't see counterparty risk as a big deal, since the legislator already regulates this anyway.
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What the heck is an inflation premium  do you have to apply for it? 
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@GHF no, this means the 3000 gross=net, which your employer can pay you if he wants to:)
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@Ilseboss At least in Germany 😉
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@Ilseboss what there is not everything... 
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