I have been looking for opportunities in the market and I have come across the following companies, I would appreciate your feedback
$HPE (+4.92%) trades at 9x earnings, trades below book value, low profitability margins but 4-8% EPS growth expectations
$GMAB (+2.56%) trades at 17 times earnings, about 8 times current Ebitda, seems to have performed well historically (book value is not a good metric, probably has capitalized R&D expenses)
$AES (-0.79%) trades at about 4-5 times earnings, is dedicated to the generation of renewable energy, trades below its current book value for its historical performance does not seem to have done very well, but for its current valuation looks good, has a dividend of about 6% per annum
$CAT (+0.73%) it trades at about 15 times earnings and has had a good historical performance, leader in the production of construction machinery.
Why do you think the market values these companies so low? Do you see growth possibilities or investment opportunities?