
I didn't expect this, the foundation of my strategy is gone. After almost 6 years on the market and a volume of over 600 million, the $10AH (-0.48%) goes down the drain. Merger with $MWOE (-1.04%) ...

Has anyone ever had experience with something like this? What is the best way to deal with it? Sell everything and look for a new etf? What about the tax issue?

I actually never wanted to sell it 🙂

I'm at a bit of a loss right now.


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Hasn't your broker written you a message about this yet? There are at least 2 solutions.
The shifts around or selling at low cost
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What is the problem? Does anything change for you apart from the ISIN?
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@randomdude well the new etf sucks in my opinion. I don't know how much dividends are paid, I also had to pay for the rebalancing.

I don't think that should happen at the expense of investors
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@I_Trading Switching costs are of course a no-go. But you have had an MSCI World ETF so far and will have one in the future (if I have understood correctly). What do dividends have to do with it?
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I don't see a problem here, it happens from time to time. As long as the investment case still exists and the conditions (e.g. TER, savings plan eligibility) don't deteriorate badly, I wouldn't do anything.
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@ChrisBizz I had actually read that this does not happen with large etfs (longer than 3 years on the market and over 500 million).

Now 60% of my capital is in an etf that has hardly any size and has been on the market for 6 months....

I'm going to let it run its course, but I would still have liked to have saved the 800 euros in taxes for the reallocation.
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@I_Trading Ok, I understand your annoyance. I also pay attention to the size and age of the ETF when choosing. And then something like this. You can only keep that in mind as a cautionary tale.
@I_Trading You got off cheap, I paid twice as much in taxes ....
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The MSCI world etf was or the new one is also "distributing". Once a year, a quite nice sum (with over 12 k invested) came together.
Divende was perhaps the wrong word for an etf.
However, the new etf is also distributing. I'm curious to see how much.
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@Kundenservice; How can I enter the regrouping here? The PDF import does not recognize the system.
I had previously always entered all buyers using the PDF import.
@I_Trading I have created Sell old or Buy new manually
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@I_Trading Sale at purchase price to realize 0% return and then registration of the new shares as "purchase" with the information from the broker/issuer regarding the exchange ratio.
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