
$216361 (+0.6%)
$IS3R (+1.62%) I could well imagine these two ETFs in combination as a long-term core portfolio (around 50% of the total portfolio). The two indices complement each other very well and both have historically always outperformed the MSCI World. What do you think? Would this combination be a good core portfolio?


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I am converging on that as well. It seems the $216361 is good at outperforming the MSCI world. Over the past 5 years it had a +104% vs. MSCI world at 83%...
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@Waldo Yes, I hope the Global Sector version will do the same as the US Sector version!😅
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The $216361 has (even) outperformed the S&P 500, hasn't it? 🚀💫✌️...that should also be the more appropriate benchmark
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