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In principle, it is probably enough to simply note 7 at the moment, everything (even 4-month-old purchases / sales) will appear in the trending at some point. It would be interesting to see experiences with the different post types. Is there more interaction with a general post than with a market assessment and more interaction with those than with investment decisions?

In any case @ccf
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@DonkeyInvestor yes, the algo still needs to be tweaked 🌝 that would be exciting to see, but I don't think it will have any influence đŸ€”
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@Lorena perhaps not for the algorithm, but possibly for the reader. Do I still interact with a post after I have voted for an investment?
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@DonkeyInvestor I always find the thousands of people who click on such polls funny, but then you only have 5 likes on the post. With the impressions you finally get an idea of how many people actually see a post :)